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Public Workshops

A range of affordable personal healing and wellbeing workshops delivered in-person and online.


Where: In person in Byron Bay

Catering: Morning and afternoon tea provided BYO Lunch

Time: 10am to 4pm

Cost: $165

2024 Dates

Click on the date below to book in

Healing the Critical Voice

Turning your inner critic into an inner coach

The inner critic, that demanding and demeaning voice which causes suffering for so many people, is actually a form of psychological trauma, which can be healed.


This experiential 1 day in-person course shows you how to turn the inner critic into a coach that empowers and encourages you to live your dreams and desires.




  • Why your head is doing this to you

  • How to give it a new job description

  • Understanding Structural Trauma

  • How to reintegrate the rejected parts of yourself to achieve wholeness

Triumph over Trauma

Every story needs a HERO

Psychological trauma underpins almost all mental illness, addiction, problematic behaviours and causes immense suffering, but it can be resolved and its not as hard as many people believe, or as painful.


This experiential 1 day course shows you how to understand and heal your psychological trauma using safe, brief interventions without painful re-exposure.


You will learn


  • The 7 types of trauma and how to heal them safely

  • The 3 levels of trauma and the way they impact our emotions, behaviours and thoughts and identity.

  • How to become the hero in your life story, and why this heals you.

  • How to 'turn your pain into power' and achieve post traumatic growth.

Man behind Broken Glass

Where: In person in Byron Bay

Catering: Morning and afternoon tea provided BYO Lunch

Time: 10am to 4pm

Cost: $165

2024 Dates

Click on the date below to book in


Where: In person in Byron Bay

Catering: Coffee, tea and snacks

Sessions: 8 nights, 1 night per week

Time: 6.30pm to 9.30pm

Cost: $440

2024 Dates

Click on the date below to book in

The MENtor Program

Elevate your Life - For Men

Becoming the man you want to be and creating the life you want to live.


​An 8 week program for men to gain the knowledge, skills and support to achieve their best life in all areas including health, wealth, relationships, career and lifestyle. 


Designed by Adam, this program is based on over 37 years years of therapy and men's work with thousands of men, using evidence based psychology and proven methods for masculine empowerment


The program teaches you how you to 


  • Overcome the trauma and structural trauma that leads to

    • Addiction and self-sabotage

    • Low self-esteem and self-doubt

    • Low achievement and unhappiness


  • Align to your authentic values, desires, talents, feelings and dreams


  • Grow your presence, focus, determination and strength


  • Understand your psychology including your needs, emotions, identity and behaviours


  • Acquire skills in leadership and empowering others


  • Join a group of likeminded men supporting each other to achieve their best life.

Treating Trauma

Advanced training for practitioners

This is a 4 day comprehensive training over 2 weekends, designed to equip mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively heal trauma and complex trauma in their clients with minimal risk of retraumatisation.


  • A comprehensive model of functional psychology, trauma, structural trauma & complex trauma

  • Learn how to do single session assessment, formulation, treatment planning and psycho-education

  • How to heal each type and level of psychological trauma including structural trauma and personality disorders

  • Safely working with resistance, dissociation, defence mechanisms, addiction and avoidance

  • How to test for successful resolution of trauma

  • How to 'batch' trauma and heal multiple traumas together


Therapy session

Where: In person in Byron Bay

Catering: Coffee, tea and snacks. BYO Lunch.

Sessions: 4 full days over 2 weekends

Time: 10am to 4.30pm

Cost: $550 each level ($1100 for both)


Early Bird Price: $880 for both if booked before May the 1st.

2024 Dates

Click on the date below to book in

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