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Triumph over Trauma

Using Narrative and timeline therapies for successful brief interventions with traumatised clients



Advances in neuro-science have led to an explosion in our understanding of trauma and with it comes new ways of treating it that are safer, easier and faster. It is no longer neccesary to spend years talking it through or to get clients to cathartically re-experience their painful past.


It is possible to resolve significant trauma and even long trauma histories in a very short period of time, sometimes only one to three sessions, and without the client having to experience distress.




​Have your ever met someone who came out of an adverse experience feeling like the conquering hero that was traumatised by that event? The odds are that you haven't. It appears that trauma is not caused by what happens to us, but by what we make it mean about us. 


When people survive an adverse event and come away from it believing that they have been diminished, defeated, injured and broken it impacts the integrity and resourcefulness of their identity or self-concept (ego in Freudian terms). 


This in turn diminishes their belief in their ability to meet their needs in life, leading to a range of negative outcomes including anxiety, depression, low assertiveness, low self-confidence, maladaptive coping behaviours, low life-success, negative emotional states and chronic distortions in personality expression. In other words - poor mental health.


This also leads to the inability to succesfully process and integrate the memories of those adverse events, which leaves them stuch in reticulating memory, where they are being re-experienced by the client ongoingly.


Trauma memories are experienced as 'here and now' as if the event were re-occuring, leading to chronic arousal of the sympathetic nervous system. We call this state of chronic over-arousal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and it creates multiple negative life outcomes and constant distress for the person experiencing it. 




A range of new therapy approaches give us the ability to process these memories quickly and with minimal or no re-experiencing. This course teaches Neuroaffective, Narrative Therapy and Timeline Therapy approaches to Trauma.


Using these approaches clients are helped to understand and re-author their trauma experiences into an empowering narrative of self that creates both resolution of the memories and strengthens their resilience and self-esteem. â€‹



​This is a two day interactive workshop that gives your staff the understanding to more successfully engage with simple and acute trauma.


Note: This is an interactive skills training and all participants will be required to act as both the therapist and client in learning the processes. This is a condition of participation.



  • Neuro-affective understanding of trauma conditions

  • Understanding the way trauma interacts with personal identity

  • Understanding why trauma memories don't integrate, and how this protects the client against ego collapse and psychosis

  • The principles of Narrative Reauthoring

  • The principles of Timeline Therapy

  • A resilience framework understanding of coping behaviours, personality and mental health issues.




  • Reauthoring a single trauma event

  • Reauthoring a lifetime of trauma in one session (The Trauma Timeline Reauthoring Process)

  • Timeline Therpay - How to run a Timeline Therapy process

  • Future casting - helping the client to project their new identity forward and re-imagine their future

  • How to sturcture a brief trauma intervention.




Participants will leave with


  • The Triumph Over Trauma Treatment Manual

  • Copies of all treatment process materials, plus lifetime access to downloadable PDF's of these materials

  • A Certificate of Completion



Duration: 2 working day (8.5 hours including breaks)

Times: Typically 9 to 5.30 but can be varied by arrangement

Audience: All frontline staff, supervisors and managers of frontline staff working with traumatised clients

Cost: By arrangement with the organisation


Facilitator​ - Adam Blanch


Adam is a psychologist with 30 years experience treating trauma. He holds degrees in trauma and psychology and specialises in working with complex trauma and personality disorders.


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