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Practitioner CPD

Professional Development Training for your most important assets

Many practiitoners have a requirement to engage in a minimum number of CPD hours every year. This is great for their growth and the skills they bring to thier workplaces, but it can be costly and time consuming, which is a burden on an already overworked and underpaid sector. 


Good Psychology aims to bring the training to the workplace, making it affordable and accessible for practitioners and their employers. Our group programs deliver the best and the latest in skills, knowledge and competencies. Whatever your needs we can find a qualified and experienced expert practitioner and educator to deliver it in the way you need.


Below you will find a range of programs designed to meet the common needs of our sectors, but feel free to contact us for custom requirements.

Workforce Skills Development

We deliver practical how-to training for your practitioners. Choose from our list or enquire about a customised solution for your team. Topics include​

  • Coming in Clean
    Managing transference, counter transference and the therapeutic relationship. (1 day workshop)

  • Working with Difficult Personalities 
    A Trauma informed approach to succesfully working with personality disordered clients. (1 day workshop)

  • Treating Trauma: 
    The latest in neuro affective science and approaches to empowering traumatised clients (2 day workshop)

  • Treating Complex Trauma
    Learn how to understand and work with clients with complex trauma histories including attachment trauma, childhood abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, systemic failure of care and moral trauma. (2 day workshop - treating trauma is a prerequisite)

  • Beyond Addiction
    A trauma informed approach to addiction treatment. Learn how to treat the causes, not just manage the symptoms. (2 day workshop)

Secondary Consultations

We can provide remote supervision and secondary consultations from experienced practitioners via telephone or video calling. Individual sessions or ongoing support plans are available.

Workforce Health and Wellbeing

Turnover is typically high in therapeutic workforces. The pressure of huge workloads, unrealistic expectations, underfunding and lack of resources often combine with the everyday stress of working with distressed and traumatised clients to create burnout and vicarious trauma in therapists. Our programs give you and your workforce the skills to manage these realities and stay engaged and stay well.



Resilient responders
How to stay empowered and stay engaged in the midst of human suffering. Stop vicarious trauma and work related PTSD before it starts. (1/2 to 1 day Workshop)


The Audacity of Hope

Many community workers are dealing with 'hopeless' situations in which it seems impossible to make a difference. This training uses an empowerment approach to help workers help their clients to cope with systemic issues and circumstantial difficulties.


Managing for Wellbeing

Training for managers in keeping their workforce strong and well. Create the sort of culture and processes that help your staff to cope and thrive in challenging environments (2 day workshop)


Successful Supervision
Training for supervisors in supervision skills and team empowerment. Teaching skills in debriefing, fostering employee growth and creating supportive cultures.

Therapeutic Modality Training
  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Ego Integration Therapy

  • Attitude Therapy

  • ​Functional Identity Therapy

  • Narrative Approaches to Trauma

  • Groupwork and Peer Support

  • Jungian Archetype Therapy

© 2018 Good Psychology

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